Friday, January 27, 2012

back to reality

time keeps ticking
it doesn't stop for anything or anyone.
It thrusts itself forward
carrying all of us with it.
It brings with it endings.
Endings of all kinds, to many different things.
Lily had an amazing birthday.
She was so healthy that I actually let myself believe
That maybe she was better...
Maybe it would be all sunny days from here.
But as cruel time passed and led us to the next few days after her birthday
I realized she wasn't "all better" after all.
She spent the next few days after her birthday
 sick and Exhausted!

She never and I mean
sleeps on her back unless she is REALLY sick
usually she sleeps like this
you cant see it but her bum is always up in the air while she sleeps...

The two days following her birthday she did 
almost nothing besides sit in my arms and suck her thumb

 I got NOTHING done,
but I enjoyed the cuddles a lot,
even though it made me sad to see her acting so 
sick and tired.
When I needed to get up and do something,
I would put her down and she would
Then the fevers started...
She kept spiking a fever, then her temp would drop below her normal
she was all over the place
so we finally had to take her to the ER
she is supposed to be admitted for 48 hours with every fever
but for the whole 4 hours we were there her temp was stable
so luckily they didn't admit her.
her white cell count was super high though
so they gave her iv antibiotics and we have some at home to keep her on for a few days.
And of course as soon as we got home her fever came back and has been steadily high all day
but since they were able to get the blood cultures they needed last night we wont have
to go back unless it gets super high or she develops
"new symptoms"
hah! whatever that means...
Today she is active
but has deep dark circles beneath her eyes
and she has the " about to get very sick look"
(that only a mother can see in their child)
I am just praying the antibiotics will work 
and she will be able to
nip whatever it is in the bud!


  1. :( baby girl. These blogs are hard to read and arnt as fun but...they are just as important as the fun ones. Thanks for sharing. like always prayers hugs and love!!! p.s LOVE THE MUSIC! making me tear up...

  2. xoxo love you guys. Kiss and hug her for me! I have been thinking about her lots today. And by the way, thanks for the new added tunes, it always makes me cry even more when I read about my favorite Lil. Let me know if you need anything Ali. She is lucky to have you. Matthew LOVES the pics of her in the Minnie jacket, its so her!

  3. Sorry this post is super "over dramatic" I tend to have a flair for the dramatic. I was having a tough couple days and I started this blog as a therapeutic way to deal with life and I got caught up in feeling sorry for me and for my little Lily. I will bounce back and be happier now. :) thanks for putting up with me being such a drama queen...

    1. I also prefer the honesty Alix. Its only hard to read sometimes beacause we love her so! Thank you for your honest feelings. I appriciate them....really. Love you!

  4. I much prefer honest to sugar-coated. :) You are allowed to feel frustration. Exclamation point.(This is not an exclamation point friendly font. I am unashamed of my issues. Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point.) ;)
